
Two-Way Summer Dress

Have to say this is not the most lovely dress I've made, but definitely took me most of the time. Yes, it looks simple, but costs more than that.
Mom got this piece of cotton for me and I think it is perfect for a little quilt or a night gown. However, just last week I suddenly feel like I could maybe make a play dress, in which she can go play freely and doesn't get too hot. Then I thought I could sew some elastic threads at the top to add some color and fun. So you know, my total plan is no plan...
Anyway, I ended up with making gethering for the sleeves, and then I felt the bottom was too simple, so added a ruffle to it. And then when she tried on yes it is definitely very comfortable, but looks too big to me. So I finally made it a two way dress by adding a ribbon belt on.
Well, result turns out to be nice. Process very hard. First time sewing elastic thread(actually second, but first time using this machine) wasn't very smooth, the seam part kid of killing me. It is still not perfect, but as a try, not too bad.

