
Chinese Cheongsam

New year celebration is officially over this week. If you know what I mean, Chinese new year. It lasted for a while. If in China we start have the feeling of new year usually one month before the actual day, and the holiday season lasts 15 days from the Spring Festival to Lantern Festival. My favourite part is the month before the new year, it is quite similar to the days before Christmas, you get all excited and the atmosphere is just so festive that everybody just can't refuse to be involved and enjoy.
They do celebrate Chinese new year in Singapore, which is much more better, because I worked on new year eve all most every year when live in the States. But they don't have the cold weather which is what I used to have during new year celebration, and they don't prepare that long... Maybe they do, as you can see decorations and everything here and there, but maybe I am a grow-up now, so all the excitements are gone. 
Anyway, last year my husband challenged me to make a dress for B, but I couldn't find the right material. So I made a dress out of a pillow case for the New year celebration (a real Chinese style pillow dress), I made the buttons too, thanks to the people posting detailed video on Youtube! But the material is quite rough and not comfy at all.
After that my mom volunteered to donate two of her dresses to me for my crazy hobby! Brand new silk dresses, oh my goodness my heart is full of joy, and my daughter will finally have a real silk Chinese dress this year!
And since it is already a dress, I don't have to make the collar or the buttons. She enjoys it a lot! She took family pictures with us in this and it is just adorable like a baby doll...

The last two pictures are from last year's pillow dress.

