
White Embroidery Cross Back Sun Dress

When I got this gorgeous piece of white embroidery cotton, my friend asked me: will you make a fancy dress for B? I was really thinking just a very simple summer day dress, like the blue star one, you know, classic but functional. Then I got pregnant and morning sickness all over again, so this piece just be left in the drawers for a while (6 months actually). Finally I felt better, and  someday I found a picture on Pinterest, and then, it was in my dreams for a while. I was thinking only if I had the perfect material. Ummm, wait a minute, I bet I have! Then I dig out this piece out of my drawer, here it is.
I am not very satisfied to be honest, since the back bow is too small. I wish I got more but I don't have anything left. So the diaper cover is small too... But she really like this dress, that is a relief!

