
Double Sides Cross Back Play Set

When we lived in the States, Hobby Lobby was one of my favourite stores. But since I didn't really sew and didn't have kids at that moment, I didn't really know how much I would love that store. Back in Singapore we have Spotlight, or some market stores selling handcraft stuff, but none of them could have such various choices. Overall here the stores can't be too large since land is so expensive...
Anyway, why I mentioned Hobby Lobby is because on our last trip back to the States, this is one of my must-go shopping destinations. I don't shop for clothes or shoes or purses or make up stuff for me anymore (what a shame), since I don't feel I need them. But I did need to buy some new supplies for my work station. 
However, believe or not, during our 20 days of stay I only got to go twice. Once is right before their Christmas Eve close, I have like 30 minutes of wandering around. The other one is husband went to Walmart to return some stuff, so I got to be dropped by in front of the store and have like 20 minutes of shopping time.
So, hurry and go!
I took 2 pieces of faber there, 2 dollar per piece, don't remember the size of it. But decent, enough for making something. Several rolls of ribbons for my girls' hair bows. Ribbons here are just ridiculous expensive! Although I missed the 50% off all ribbon supply deal (what a shame again), but I still got quite good deals compare with the price back here.

Anyway, using these two cotton pieces I found in the store made this classic set. Cross back is really a perfect way for dressing up girls in hot weather. I made it double sides wear. Also found some buttons matching these materials perfectly. Actually this style doesn't need buttons, they just go off so easily.

