
Exotic Batik Multi Function Cover

As soon as we heard husband's brother's going to be a dad, we planned to give them something special. I wasn't very confident at making boy clothes at that moment, and also I still remember my first boy experience: I got way too many baby clothes from all the baby showers. They were adorable and cute so I kept them all, but also I didn't really go buy any new clothes until my boy is almost one year old. 
Anyway, I've heard my sister-in-law would try breastfeeding, and as a breastfeeding mom I suddenly got something in mind: she probably needs a cover! I remember the place we lived usually has no nursing rooms in public, and I bet she would love to take that little angel go around, so a cover should be useful for her.
Then it is confirmed they have a boy, and I started to think what pattern I should use. First comes to mind is my brother-in-law loves hunting, so I should get something like that. Then I thought he probably gets all kinds of gifts related to that, and to be honest hunting patterns are not easy to find in a city like Singapore. Then my husband said, since we are in Singapore, why not you try use something exotic? Like the clothes those flight assistants dressed in on Singapore Airline?
Oh, Nyonya Batik. 
Nyonya, simply explain is the term they call girls or women around areas like Malaya, Java, during the colony time. They were inheritors of the inter marriage between Strait Chinese and Malays.  
And Batik is the material that from this area. It is widely used in Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia,  and the rich colours and fantastic patterns make it quite famous.
I went down to Chinatown market because there are several stores selling batik. The sale lady helped me find this piece for boys. 
After decided what material to use I started looking for patterns. Then my greedy personality comes back. I would like something to be more than just a feeding cover, something that if she wants can be used in multiple ways. Then I found this multi use cover: you can use it as a blanket, a car seat cover, and a breastfeeding cover! To make the maximum use of it, I made it double sides!

She seems like it. Forgive me about the picture if it scared you. I was in rush to process it and I don't want to use my sister-in-law's face in public.

